Thursday, September 23, 2010

Prayers needed.

My sister-in-law, Casey lost both of her Grandfather's to cancer in the last week. Please pray for Casey (and Scott), Kayla and Cy as they go through this difficult time. It is never easy to lose one, but to lose both within a week has been devestating to them.

Monday, March 22, 2010

You know its been awhile

since you blogged when your blog is still set up to fall colors. Oh well. Things got busy.

Cabin Fever was yesterday. Boy I am still tired. You would think sitting around all day would be easy. It never is. I think we earned over $10,000 this year. Much better than we thought we would do.

Not much new here. Dad is getting more interviews. Please keeep praying that the right one will come soon. Cameron and Spencer are both growing real fast. Work is still interesting. Life is good.

Praise God!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Last couple of weeks have gone fast.

Which is so true. Can you believe Halloween is next Saturday? Time is moving by really fast!

Things are going well here. I still have the stupid cold which comes and goes. I feel good for a few days and then bam, its back. And the cough won't leave. I have missed choir all month because everytime I take a deep breath I start to cough. I miss you guys! Hopefully I will be back in November.

On other family news, Casey is now on bed rest. She is 27 weeks into her pregnancy. Her cervix is thinning, the baby is big, and she is producing a lot of amniotic fluid. So the doctor is hoping bed rest will mean she won't deliver until at least 32 weeks (or later). Please say a lot of prayers for Casey, Scott and Spencer. This is a very difficult time. Especially for Spencer who has no idea what is going on. He just knows his mommy can't pick him up anymore.

Otherwise, work is wonderful. I am really enjoying it. Mom and Dad had a great trip to St. Louis to see Joe and Julie.

Other than that, not much new.

See you soon.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tired of being sick

The title says it all. Just when I think I am feeling better, wham, the cough and congestion come back. I haven't been sleeping well, so I missed church and Sunday School this morning:( I was looking forward to the class today, but I will be there next week for sure.

Not much happening here. I have been busy with work and helping mom with the kids. Dad is starting to search for work, but has not had much luck yet.

Please pray for my friend who is finally getting his divorce after many, many problems with his wife. I hope that this gives him the peace he needs to get on with his life and hopefully turn to Christ to help him as well.

Mom and Dad leave Tuesday to go to St. Louis to see Joe and Julie. I will be home alone with the dogs. I do work all day Tuesday and Thursday and Friday night. And I am watching some of the day care children on Wednesday and Thursday. Other than that, not much planned for the next week.

Hope everyone had a good and relaxing weekend!

See you all soon!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Other fun shots

The memory table had wedding pictures and pictures of those in our hearts and minds.

How could I not have a picture of Spencer! He is adorable!

The cake!

Joe and Julie and Patrick.

My dad's siblings and spouses.

I also have a link to the photographer's website. There are a lot of pictures, but some very nice ones of the family and the bride and groom! Let me know if you want to see them!

Its been too long...

I know it has been too long since I have blogged, but things have been busy - work, wedding, trips.
Work has been going well. I really enjoy meeting new people every day. Otherwise not much else going on there.
The wedding was a blast. I Can't believe that it went by so fast!

This is the best picture of Joe and Julie I can find right now!
The Hanson side made it to St. Louis and we had a great time! It was the first time we were all together since Grandpa died (We missed you Brad!)

Here we all are! I know it is dark, but I am getting better pictures once I order from the photographer. Besides welcoming Julie to the family - we found out that by February there will be 4 more great grandchildren! Congratulations Scott and Casey, Rachel and Brad, Ruth and RJ, and Michelle and Dave! Can't wait for the new little ones!
We had a great time exploring St. Louis. Steak and Shake has become our new favorite restaurant. If only one would open in Appleton! Just another reason to visit Joe and Julie!
Then we had the reception here in WI. It was a beautiful day. I just wish I was able to talk to and see more people. It went way to fast!
Other than that, not too much going on. Dad lost his job. So life will be interesting for a while!

Friday, June 26, 2009

A While

Ok it has been more than a while since I posted, but things just haven't been happening much. I do have a job. Training at Wal-Mart has been great. I now have more Khaki pants and blue shirts than I know what to do with! Other than that we are just preparing for Joe's wedding to Julie in St. Louis. 3 weeks from tomorrow! I can't believe how fast that has come up!

Nothing else exciting here. It is hot! Even the store is hot. Oh well!

Talk to you all later.