Saturday, February 21, 2009

The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

Samuel Johnson

How true is that! You don't realize what your habits are until you try to change them.

There has been a lot of talk about giving things up for lent. I don't think I am going to give anything up for lent. But I am going to change my habits. I am not sure which habit right now, but probably the habit of 2 sodas a day. I am not going to give up soda - that make a very cranky Melissa - but I am going to change the habit to 1 soda a day. Yes it does sound like I am giving something up, but maybe if I try to change the habit, instead of thinking that I am denying myself, I can actually make the change. Giving things up does not seem to work for me.

Not much new otherwise. I am alone again. Mom and Dad went to Milwaukee to meet Joe's future inlaws. And since I never have any plans anymore, I am staying home with the dogs.

Next weekend is the Women's Retreat and I am really, really looking forward to getting out of the house. It seems like all I leave home for lately is to go to church or choir.

Talk to you all soon.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What a day!

The weather is wonderful! I have just finished shoveling off most of the deck. We now only have one little patch of snow/ice that is stuck to the deck. Otherwise, NO SNOW on the deck. The yard and driveway are another thing all together. It is a muddy, muddy place to be. My cousin Chris and his wife Krissy were here. They brought up their son, Patrick Harold. Harold was my grandfather's name. He is such a sweet baby. And so tiny. Not quite as small as Mallory, but tiny all the same. He is 2 weeks old.

Today was Shelby's birthday. She turned 3. Unfortunately, Shelby and her sister Maribel were the only ones here today. Ava and Thomas have been sick with flu since last Friday. But we did celebrate. We had hamburgers and french fries for lunch and chocolate cupcakes with cherries for snack. I think this is my new favorite meal. We were able to help the girls make their valentine's mailbox and the love bugs for their parents.

Otherwise, not much new here. We finally got all of the christmas/winter stuff put away this past weekend and got out the valentine's decorations. These will stay up until March 1st, when we will start with St. Patrick's day.

Talk to you all soon.